No Service | Ris och Ros

record cover - No Service | RIS OCH ROS




Release Date:

8 november, 2012

RIS OCH ROS declares that they don’t take any responsibility for their music! They were brought together by an external producer that also came up with their name. RIS OCH ROS deliver music without any guarantees. No service, no Wi-Fi, bad weather – BUT – Feedback, synths, cymbals, conductive threads, fixed and variable resistance, various electronic components and irresistible music!

Ann Rosén and Jakob Riis combine their long experience from sound art, improvised music and composition with conductive textiles, stitched synthesizers, laptops, cymbals and mixingboard feedback. No Service was recorded at Elektronmusikstudion EMS, Stockholm, December 2011 and mixed at Inter Arts Center, Malmö June 2012.

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