Dilate | Ann Rosén




Release Date:

18 september, 2021

Dilate is Ann Roséns second noise album, created within the project Drawing Sessions. Dilate implies a movement that takes its starting point in Roséns first noise album – In a Small Room – and which gradually moves towards an increasingly open world.

Ann Rosén began her artistic career in the visual arts in the 1980s, and has since explored the interaction and communication between people through the continuous creation 0f new artistic expressions. These include social sculptures, choreographic works, sound art, choral works, sound installations, sculpted silence, performance and art music for small and large ensembles, such as her own orchestra The Barrier Orchestra.

Drawing Sessions is one of many art projects where Ann Rosén combines self-built instruments and synths with other artistic techniques. Here she uses graphite as a conductive material, connected to electronics that create sound momentarily, while she draws. The tracks on Dilate consist of structured improvisations that take place within the framework of what the paper in front of her admits.

The sounds that Ann Rosén processes and modifies to perform her music are originally created by the horn player Sören Hermansson.

Drawing Sessions were live-streamed weekly from early autumn 2020 to late spring 2021. Each session generated both a graphic score and a noise work. A selection of these works are featured on the album Dilate.

Side one

Dilate 4:31

Expatiate 4:00

Convey 5:35

Impart 2:14

Side two

Aerate 17:02

Produced and mastered by Sten-Olof Hellström Schhh Records SE3JQ21001