Att sluta en cirkel | Mathias Josefsson

record cover - Att sluta en cirkel | Mattias Josefsson




Release Date:

28 september, 2014

Schhh… releases a new album, September 28, 2014
The new album will be available at Wimp, Itunes, Spotify, Amazon a.o.

Att sluta en cirkel (Too complete a circlel). After a few years of absence Mathias Josefson returns to the experimental drone genre with a release on Shhh records. During the work on this album. Mathias was not only inspired by the film San Soleil by Chris Marker, but he cut and mixed the music directly to some of the film sequences. The film sequences the duration and rhythm controlled the music. Mathias also took inspiration from Roland Barthes’ text, The Death Of The Author. Can Barthes text be applied on the composer? In the piece Författarens död (The author’s death), he has made use of chance and indeterminacy in a attempt to decouple himself from composer role. The album invites the listener to step in and be embraced of a sound world where the listener have the opportunity to choose how and at what level the work is experienced. The circle is completed; is it the end or the beginning of something new?